Welcome to CBK!

God-Exalting, Christ-Centered, Spirit-Led
Our mission is to show every child and family the extraordinary love of Christ. We aim to provide curriculum, programming, and discipleship that grounds children in the truth of God’s word, helps them to understand sin and their need for a Savior, leads them to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, helps them to understand each part of the Trinity, teaches them the importance of obedience to God, teaches them how God wants us to live as Christians in our world, creates disciples who will confidently carry the message of Christ to the world, and allows them to use their gifts to serve.

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Meet the Leaders

Emilee Orr

Elementary Kids Minister

Emilee Orr is originally from Montgomery and has been living in Birmingham since 2011. She graduated from Samford University in 2015 with a bachelor's degree in Religion and Sociology.  She accepted Christ at the age of 8 while talking with her father and eating ice cream one night after a church service.  God has taught her many lessons about faithfulness, love, grace, and discipleship throughout her life.

She spent 8 years working in Community Life Ministry running children's camps and community outreach programs.  She's also taught preschool for 3 years. She is passionate about the local Church and how programs and outreach can help us live day to day with Christ.  She loves kids and all the wisdom and joy they bring to the world.
She loves all things creative, artistic, and active, and also loves hanging out at home with her husband, John, their dog, Finn, and watching some good TV or a movie.

Lisa Craven

Early Childhood Minister

Meet “Miss Lisa.”
“I have connected with children all of my life. Being one of six, there were always children around and I often wanted to be their Mommy. My youngest brother remembers me studying the subject of parenting/children throughout my youth! I guess you could say children are my passion in this life.”

She is a life-long learner and an Honor Graduate of JSCC.  She has many years of experience providing and advocating for children, and those more advanced in years. She currently serves as a volunteer in the community, delivering for Meals on Wheels to our neighbors in Shelby County. After a three-and-a-half year break, Lisa has restarted her journey with CrossBridge Kids, now serving as Early Childhood Minister. She is working with children aged four months up to kindergarten, parents/guardians, caregivers and teachers.

Lisa also enjoys traveling and experiencing different cultures. It was when she first traveled to Honduras with Mission Lazarus that Lisa began a desire to continue traveling with the purpose of helping others, where they are. “Our spoken languages are different but the games we play, the giggles we share, and all of the sweet hugs are a universal language. In 2019, I traveled to Ethiopia with the organization Hawassa Hope, and met our sponsor-child. Praying over Andu and her mom was something I did not feel worthy to do, but the Spirit of God spoke for me. Even with our language barrier, it was so intimate. I simply cannot begin to explain my heart. I often hope for God’s guidance back to Africa.”

Lisa and her husband, Darrell, have celebrated 40 years of marriage. They are charter members of CrossBridge Church of Christ, where they raised their three children. They have two daughters-in-law, one god-son and one grandson.
“It is rejuvenating to be in CBK again. I am grateful to God and for Leaders who have entrusted me to do this work. Please continue praying that my heart is aligned with God’s in all things and at all times.”

Let's serve together.

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