Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Our mission is to glorify God by being a conduit of His love to bless all nations.
We look at missions from a holistic perspective, one that includes the spiritual, physical, and mental aspects of humanity. A historic foundational text is: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind” (Matthew 22:37). For us, missions involve not only sharing the Gospel message, but embodying that message with practical acts of grace. While we are involved in foreign missions, we also believe that the mission field begins at our door.
We look at missions from a holistic perspective, one that includes the spiritual, physical, and mental aspects of humanity. A historic foundational text is: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind” (Matthew 22:37). For us, missions involve not only sharing the Gospel message, but embodying that message with practical acts of grace. While we are involved in foreign missions, we also believe that the mission field begins at our door.

Mission Lazarus, Honduras
Mission Lazarus addresses missions from a holistic perspective. The primary emphasis of Mission Lazarus is the spiritual formation of the human being. As an integral part of this process, Mission Lazarus addresses the academic, vocational, and economic issues faced by those living in developing countries. Folks from CrossBridge travel to Mission Lazarus to participate in God’s amazing work in Honduras.
Campus House
The Campus House has served students in the Greater Birmingham Area for more than two decades. It sits a few blocks south of the UAB campus and hosts gatherings, worship, small groups, weekly meals, campfires, and a place to connect. It is a big, old house sitting on the corner of 13th Ave. S and 15th St. S serving as the gathering place, worship facility, ministry office, and center of our campus outreach.
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Meet the Leader
Cary Cavender - Ministry Leader